Linux Version
Please Use SSH and Use Root to Login and Install
sftp account:password@ip 22
Please know That Logstash and ElasticSearch Should not install in the same server, they need CPU for I/O
Please know that this is for no network using
Install of Logstash
cd /tmp
rpm -ivh logstash-5.0.0.rpm
Install of ElasticSearch
cd /tmp
rpm -ivh elasticsearch-5.0.0
Install of Kibana
cd /tmp
rpm -ivh kibana-5.0.0-x86_64.rpm
rpm -qa logstash 代表 查詢目前的版本
rpm -e logstash 代表 移除套件
Upgrade of Logstash
cd /tmp
rpm -Uvh logstash-5.2.2.rpm
會有一個rpmnew 檔案 需要比較設定是否跟舊版本相同
Upgrade of ElasticSearch
cd /tmp
rpm -Uvh elasticsearch-5.0.0
Please Make sure the Kibana is the Same version of ElasticSearch ElasticSearch 如果沒辦法啟動 請先檢查 /var/log/ElasticSearch 裡面的log 接著檢查設定檔是否有設定需要調整